Member meetings are held quarterly at Hempstead Hall on the University of Arkansas Hope Campus, details for each meeting below. Member meetings begin with an educational program presented by a guest speaker. A short business meeting follows the program. Membership is not required to attend the meetings and anyone interested is invited. Non-members can participate in all activities with the exception of voting.

February 17, 2025
Make Your Own Mead!
John Gladden, local mead enthusiast and former director of Hempstead Hall, will demonstrate how he makes mead so you can reliably make your own at home!
Hempstead Hall UofA-Hope
Spring Hill Suite
and Refreshments at 5:30 pm
Program at 6:00 pm

May 6, 2025
Summer With the Bees
Dr. Jon Zawislak, Assistant Professor of Apiculture and Urban Entomology for the UofA Division of Agriculture Research and Extension, will discuss what beekeepers should be doing this time of year: emphasizing preventing (and collecting!) swarms, pest and disease management, and preparing for your honey harvest. Be sure to bring ALL your questions for this entertaining and informative speaker!
Hempstead Hall UofA-Hope
Spring Hill Suite
and Refreshments at 5:30 pm
Program at 6:00 pmtue

August 11, 2025
Safety & Efficacy of Using Oxalic Acid – A Timely Update
John Martin, Apiary Inspector for the southern half of Arkansas, will discuss what beekeepers should know to properly use oxalic acid to control Varroa . . . And he will discuss new regulatory changes related to the use of this chemical. Improper use of oxalic acid can be ineffective in the control of Varroa, damaging to the bees and extremely unsafe for the beekeeper. This will be a presentation beekeepers should attend!
Hempstead Hall UofA-Hope
Spring Hill Suite
and Refreshments at 5:30 pm
Program at 6:00 pm

December 8, 2025
Hives for Heroes
& Annual Christmas Social
Hives for Heroes is a national nonprofit that partners with beekeepers to provide mentoring for military service members, veterans and first responders. Come find out, what they do, how beekeepers can help . . . and then celebrate the season with us!
Hempstead Hall UofA-Hope
Spring Hill Suite
and refreshments at 5:30
Program and festivities begin at 6:00